What is a Financial Investment? – Definition, Types & Examples
Financial investment helps you grow your money and wealth. It is a smart way to grow your money and plan for your future. Whether you are saving for retirement, a major purchase, or just looking to build your wealth, financial investment is the way to fulfill your plan. So, there are different investment options to […]
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Using the Market Multiple Valuation Method (MMM) in IPO
The Market Multiple Valuation Method (MMM) in IPO is a valuation method used to determine the value of publicly-traded companies. The MMM uses intangible information which cannot be accounted for using numerical values, such as company reputation and national image. The MMM involves analysing the market price of similar publicly-traded companies on stock markets like […]
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What are the Best FD Interest Rates for Minimum Period on a Fixed Deposit?
When it comes to saving, everyone has different tastes. The type of savings instrument a person chooses is determined by the quantity of money that may be saved, the time horizon, the reason for saving, and other factors. Magazine headlines scream “Lock in Lucrative Returns!” as banks compete for top spots in the Best FD […]
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